Monday 7 January 2008

New Year, New Blog

If anyone is still coming here you can find my new blog @

Monday 1 October 2007

Well hello there....

Been moving house so sorry for my lack of updates. In recents weeks I've finished the lovely Bioshock and the sublime Halo 3. Also:

Yep, my Xbox 360 is dead. Turned on Halo 3 for a quick play to be greeted by the three red rings of death. Away to Microsoft it will go with a turnaround time of approx 25 days. Time to give my Wii some serious loving.

Sunday 2 September 2007

The Punisher

Serious punishement has been dished out to all concerned. In the end The Punisher faced the Mob, the Russians and the Yakuza with a little interlude with King Pin. There was also some guest appearances from other Marvel alumni - Iron Man, The Black Widow, Bullseye to name but a few.

I really enjoyed this game. It was quite easy in the end, having a hostage to hide behind is a must btw, but a lots of fun. The torture sequences were very imaginativly done and not overused. Fantastic.

Saturday 25 August 2007

The Punisher

Now that the Xbox is long gone you can pick up some excellent bargains for play on the Xbox 360 thanks to backwards compatibility. For a mere £4 I picked up The Punisher. When this came out at full price I was quite tempted but never made the plunge and now at £4 who could resist.

Judging from the video, the UK version seems to have been censored and the gore toned down..shame. Lots of fun to be had here "punishing" mobsters. The shotgun in particular is very satisfying and the much talked about punishement sequences are as funny as they are gory...some nice quippage going on.

Red Steel

Up first on the Wii is the interesting Red Steel. Before I go into the details :-

Anyway, Red Steel what can I say. I'm only two levels in and I'm finding it quite a lot of fun. The success of this game is purely down to its use of the Wii remote, everything else is pretty much average at best. Gun wise, the control method works really well so far, use of cover is important btw, and I've got used to it quite quickly, looking forward to unlocking some of the more advanced controls as I proceed. The sword play however seems a bit of a con as your sword swings don't map on to the screen, they just trigger one of the preset moves..bah.

Tuesday 21 August 2007

The Punisher

Fueled by the murder of his family, Frank Castle, AKA The Punisher, sets out on a mission to clean up the crime filled streets in one of the most gripping storylines to hit the videogame market. The ingenious writings of Punisher creators Jimmy Palmiotti and Garth Ennis combined with Volition Inc.'s visual interpretation gives players an opportunity to step into the vengeful shoes of The Punisher. An innovative interrogation system allows gamers direct control over the amount of punishment enemies receive before releasing important information. With more than 100 unique kills, let the punishment begin.

Position: Normal Complete


Since the Wii came out I've sworn that I don't need one and that I'm entirely happy with the xbox 360, but lately this has changed. I was looking through my collection of some 40 odd and couldn't pick much out that I really wanted to sit down and play (hence the clearout) sure for FPS and Racing the 360 is brilliant but things had grown a bit stale of late.

Anyhow one trip to Gamestation:

and hey who gets a new console with only one game to play? Not me. Argos - 2 for £40 - Yes please.

and last but not least one last trip to Gamestation for:

More to come when I try some of these little beauties out. Check out the topic: My Collection - Wii for more details