Thursday 21 June 2007

Just Cause

Well President Mendoza is in pieces (quite literally) and San Esperito is free..ish once more. That's right Just Cause is complete.

Overall very much a game of highs which are immediatly balanced by lows. For example the huge game enivironment with no loading times is balanced by some rather poor modeling of characters, vehicles etc and the fact that most of the environment is lifelss forest..bit of a cheat really. Also while the story missions are generally very good (especially the last few which border on inspired) it's all over far too soon, where as the utterly boring and mind numbing side missions & tasks are seemingly infinite in number.

However despite these issues I did have quite a bit of fun with this title. The skydiving and other stunt aspects were lots of fun and the vehicles were generally fun to use, nothing beats strafing army troops from a chooper you have hijacked in mid-air after skydiving from a stolen aircraft at several thousand feet.

Hopefully the sequel will improve on the problems mentioned above and I would even be tempted to pick it up.....when it hits a budget price of course.

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